Talk:Fire Dust (Charcoal)
From PyroGuide
This page is very nice but it would be interesting to describe the visual difference between all those mix when they are use
I will try to realize that soon. In the meantime you ought to know that their appearance changes with the nitrate/charcoal content. All of the comps are quite fiercely burning, with C6 probably being the fastest. C6 and C8 will give variously shaded trails of sparks, while TT is said to give a somewhat slower and bushier effect. Mystery stars lack the sulphur and give a slow developing, lonesome effect (they are said to glow rather than burn). Willow stars are used for willow shells and are designed to give a distinct but long-lasting trail with a long hang-effect. Charcoal effects largely depend on two factors: type of charcoal and mixing method, both can be used to alter the effects. Many authors report that the same comp will produce two completely different effects when this properties are changed. Screening, ball milling and wet methods are some common mixing methods used for charcoal streamers. --AdmiralDonSnider 23:57, 12 January 2009 (EST)
i think we could do some video with a description of the charcoal used and the milling/mixing process used.
when i got time i will try some comp and create video, thx for the reply. PyrOstar